Учебна 2020/2021 година

Квалификации проведени от външни институции

10.12.2020 г.

EduTech супер уикенд на тема: Microsoft за образованието
"Орак Инженеринг" ЕООД

16.12.2020 г.

2 квалификационни кредита

"Управление на качеството в образованието. Изработване и въвеждане на системата за проследяване на качеството в дестката градина/училището. Самооценка и подготовка за инспектиране на НИО"
Тренинг и обучителен център "Щастие"

07.11.2020 г. - 08.11.2020 г.

1 квалификационен кредит

Прилагане на електронни образователни ресурси за постигане на мотивираща учебна среда"
Великотърновски университет "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий", Велико Търново

05.12.2020 г. - 25.05.2021 г.

1 квалификационен кредит

Обучение на тема "Портфолиото (на учителя и ученика) - технология"
Евроклас-консулт ЕООД, Пловдив

Вътрешноинституционална квалификация

19.10.2020 г. - 3 академични часа

Обучение на тема:„Запознаване с изискванията на Наредба Ме 15 от 22.07.2019 г. за статута и професионалното развитие на учителите, Директорите и Другите педагогически специалисти в частта й необходими изисквания за изготвяне на портфолио“

Ръководител: Душка Станковска, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

21.12.2020 г. - 4 академични часа

Обучение на тема: „Диагностика и оценяване на функционалната грамотност“

Ръководители: Десислава Кирякова, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

22.01.2021 г. - 4 академични часа

Обучение на тема: "Да преборим стреса чрез спорт"

Ръководител: Любима Ласкова, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

28.01.2021 г. - 2 академични часа

Обучение на тема: Запознаване с промените в трудовото законодателство в сила отт 01.01.2021 година“

Ръководители: Наташа Манова и Гергана Гошева, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

29.01.2021 г. - 2 академични часа

Обучение на тема: "Музиката част от нашия живот".

Ръководител: Милко Бошнаков, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

27.02.2021 г. - 2 академични часа

Обучение на тема: "Инспектиране".

Ръководител: Ася Бояджиева - Пенкова, ПГИ "Иван Илиев"

Он-лайн курсове

JAN 15, 2021 - 1 HOURS

Microsoft Class Teams enables teachers to collaborate with students while seamlessly integrating assignments, assessments, and applications directly into the Team.

JAN 15, 2021 - 1 HOUR

This course is designed for educators of all subject areas who want to empower students to utilize tools to unlock their full potential by addressing a diversity of needs.

JAN 15, 2021 - 5 HOURS

Empowering every student to achieve more means each student must have access to the content to best meets their needs. The courses in this path will prepare teachers to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom.

JAN 15, 2021 - 4 HOURS 30 MIN

This learning path guides educators to discover new ways to use the amazing tools provided to them. These courses focus on providing access for each student and creating learning environments for learner success. This learning path does not need to be followed in order.

JAN 15, 2021 - 1 HOUR

Microsoft Staff and PLC Teams provide the perfect location to work with colleagues on projects, curriculum adoptions, and even university wide initiatives. Administrators can communicate and collaborate with their faculty in one location. Policies and procedures, forms, instructions for various tasks and responsibilities, and more can all be shared within Teams for quick access. Teams supports online meetings with screen share and whiteboard annotation that can be recorded, automatically saved, and transcribed in Stream. Whether your colleagues are down the hall or in another building across town, Staff and PLC Teams support collaboration among educators.

JAN 15, 2021 - 1 HOUR

Staying connected with remote learning through Microsoft Teams and Office 365

Are you moving from a face-to-face classroom to an online/remote learning experience? This course explores the considerations, procedures, and planning that administrators and educators will need to examine in preparation for a remote learning experience. As you take the course, you can complete an Action Plan template to guide your work and document your school's plan for remote learning.

JAN 15, 2021 - 5 HOURS

Microsoft Teams is the communications and collaboration hub within Microsoft 365 – an essential tool for remote learning. The training courses below will help you master Microsoft Teams and enable you to teach other educators. Each course comes with resources and teacher training packs as well as a quiz to test knowledge..

JAN 16, 2021 - 1 HOUR

Learn how to effectively use video and animation effects in your presentations to draw viewers’ attention to key points on your slides. You’ll learn how to use video backgrounds, cinemagraphs and animation to convey complex information. Also, learn how to create scenes instead of isolated slides and use animation to reinforce main points.

JAN 16, 2021 - 1 HOUR

Learn how to make the key points in your charts and graphs stand out. Learn about the types of conceptual diagrams you can use to visualize your information.

JAN 16, 2021 - 5 HOURS

A free comprehensive course for non-designers on how to combine text and images like a pro. Full of visual examples, cheat sheets and case studies, this step-by-step visual guide will show you practical design tricks for creating visual slides that complement your oral message

JAN 16, 2021 - 1 HOUR

In this course you will learn how to integrate Flipgrid into your classroom and explore Flipgrid ideas and resources from educators around the world. This course is designed for educators of all subject areas, early grades through higher education who want to empower student voice with Flipgrid. Upon completing this course, you will earn the Flipgrid Certified Educator badge and will join an inspiring community of thousands of educators around the world using Flipgrid to engage and amplify their learners!

JAN 16, 2021 - 4 HOUR 30 MIN

Now that you are up and running with Microsoft Teams, OneNote and Forms, empower every voice with Flipgrid and provide real-time feedback using class Teams and class notebooks. Turn your classroom into a dynamic learning environment that allows you to know how each student is progressing.

JAN 23, 2021 - 6 HOUR 30 MIN

Support the success of your students with tools and resources to help them be their best selves, share their voice, and collaborate. A student-centered classroom is built on student autonomy/agency, the artful facilitation of learning by the teacher and plenty of conversation between students and teachers about learning..

JAN 31, 2021 - 3 HOUR

Fostering a dynamic remote learning environment with student-centered tools.
In this 3-course series, teachers and administrators will learn how pedagogy needs to shift from the techniques uses in a face-to-face environment and how Office 365 and Microsoft Teams can be leveraged to empower student-centered learning in the remote classroom.

JAN 31, 2021 - 5 HOUR

This learning path focuses on using Microsoft Teams to engage with students in remote and hybrid learning environments. Discover ways to utilize Teams to support all learners in different types of learning environments. Educators will find the best ways to connect with their students no matter the learning model.

Квалификации проведени от мен

01.04.2021 г. в Благоевград, вътрешноинституционална квалификация на тема: "Ms Excel в помощ на стопанската дейност“ - 8 академични часа

Онлайн завършени курсове

от сайта Microsoft Education